There are certain events that happen in your life that just seem to get etched into your heart... they become a part of you.... they give your life meaning and purpose. They usually are so filled with emotion that everything seems like a whirlwind and then it settles and you just wish that you can relive the moment over and over until you know for certain that you won't ever forget any detail...any second of it.
I don't think that I will ever be able to stand inside Philadelphia International Airport without feeling the warmth of my tears fall down my cheeks.
Staring at the gate waiting to see our son walk through the doors of terminal D.
Here he comes.... About to do the ugly cry.
It really is happening.... after almost 2 years in process and 13 months since referral he is Finally home.
I would have loved him forever from half way around the world but am so thankful that our sweet son is home. Welcome to the USA baby boy!!!
After all the waiting and all the delays all that matters is that he is home - forever.
So blessed!!!!!
Finally in my arms again - this time forever. I love how you can see Zoey watching.
She couldn't wait for her baby brother and was so happy that he was finally home.
Thank you for brining our baby home. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Father and Son.
Mother and Son. How I missed you James Jun-ha.
What a wonderful homecoming- God is so good!!!
No doubt that these two are going to change the world.
Going home a family of four.
We have been so blessed by the miracle of adoption.
Anthony and I are proud parents of two special miracles.... both gifts from God.
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