
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Still Waiting

Welcome October, it has now been one year since we started the adoption process. Fot the last year we have been on this journey filled with highs and lows and twists and turns.

Today completes 5 months of waiting to bring James home. It has been five months too long. I wish that as time goes on the wait would get easier - but it doesn't. Instead it gets harder.

It is harder because each day that passes we love our little boy more. He has been growing in my heart since the very moment I saw him, 5 months ago.

We have waited and prepared and waited some more. We have prayed and cried and prayed some more. We have kept ourselves busy in hope that time would pass more rapidly and we have made so many AP friends which helps make the wait more bearable. We have tried to be understanding but some days it is just so freaking hard.

Tomorrow begins the 6th month of waiting. At one point, just a few years ago, waiting six months was considered long. Then the waits stretched from 4-8 months for our agency. Even when we started the process 8 months was what was on the extreme long end of things. Now, well now we are looking at a minimum of 10 months. Ten looong months.

This MaMa really needs both her babies under the same roof.

This MaMa wants to see her sweet boy. I want to hold him, and hug him, and love him. I don't want to miss any many more days in his life.

This MaMa doesn't want to see his room empty anymore. I want to see his toy bins dumped and trails of messes after he has played hard all day. I want to sweep up trails of cheerios and puffs and I want to watch him sleeping late at night and think about the miracle that he is.

This MaMa wants the waiting to be over. She just wants her boy home. Forever.


heidi said...

Waiting right along with you! Hang in there.

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