
Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Things have been quiet on the adoption front since all of the EP's have been given for the year and since James is a year old now. When babies turn 1 in the Korea program they generally only come into the Holt office for a "WBC" or well baby check every other month. So, this month I did not expect to hear anything.

Low and behold, out of nowhere, I received an updated physical report. James continues to do well and is very healthy.

He now is 30 innches tall

He is 22.9 lbs

He has 8 teeth  - 4 on the top
                          4 on the bottom

Everything else was normal, normal, normal :)

He plays pat a cake.

He plays ball with the examiner

He drinks from an open cup with help

He plays with a spoon ( not quite sure about the meaning of this)

He walks with assistance from furniture

He has a good pincer grasp

He stands alone well

He says Umma, Abba, and baba.

I am happy to report that in just 66 days it will be 2012. We will then see some movement in the process and be much closer to bnringing home our sweet little boy.


Kim said...

Hi there,
Found your blog from the Holt BB (lylasmommy) and have been following for a while. Both of your children are precious! I can tell the toll this wait is taking on you. While we were very blessed with a quick adoption process for Lyla, we went through much heartbreak adoption-wise the 3 years prior. I know what it feels like to yearn for a child and hold him in your arms. I know how getting pictures is so bittersweet, as you are so happy to see his sweet face, but it makes it even harder to be apart and yearn for him even more. Thinking of you and hoping that your process is quick and smooth once the new year rolls around. And you're right - 2012 is not far away at all!

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