Baby James is 8 months old
Right now, at this very moment, it is 10:30 in the morning in Seoul, South Korea. Since they are fourteen hours ahead of us it is also the 23rd of May - which makes it James' 8 month Birthday.
Happy Birthday sweet baby boy!!!
I never imagined how difficult the wait would be. I never knew how much my heart would grow before I even held him. I never realized how much I would feel like he was my son forever and miss him because he was so far away.
I also never thought about how all this waiting would be with Zoey. She is a proud big sister....... but she wants her brother, like yesterday.
I let her pick a picture for us to frame on her dresser and she picked James' newborn picture. It sits on her nightstand and every night she makes sure to say goodnight to her baby brother. Often times making sure to tell me that her baby brother is at the doctors. Not knowing how to explain the complexities of international adoption to my sweet angel I never interjected.
Then, after preparing a package to mail to Korea, Zoey must have come to her own conclusions. Everyday, sometimes several times a day, she began to ask if we could go to her brothers house. She started telling her teachers at school that when Mommy picks her up we would go to her brothers house. How do you explain to a three year old that baby brother his halfway around the world and before we could see him we need to have immigrations approve us and a whole lot of other acronyms (nvc, p3, Ep Ea, Tc) in the process has to happen that I can't explain without my guidebook??? It is tough!!!
But the toughest was when we were passing by the hospital where her pediatrician is and she started yelling my name from the back and pointing out the window. "Baby Brother Mama - first brother then home". I wanted to laugh and cry all in the same moment. If it were only that easy. If baby brother was only a mile from home. If only all of our hearts didn't yearn for sweet baby James.
Since they really don't have any manuals on how to explain international adoption to a very inquisitive and bright three year old with a speech delay I had to wing it. It went something like this, James is not ready yet. When he is ready then he will come home to us. I am not sure how much longer she will buy it so please process move along quickly. Please!!!!!!
A question everyone has been asking ....... When do you get to bring James home ??????
The short answer - Not soon enough!!!!!!!
The comical answer - I have no idea - it is like being pregnant with no due date!!!!!
The optimistic estimate - September -before he turns 1!!!!
The miraculous estimate - August oh how I would love a miracle!!!!
The conservative estimate - before Christmas
The worst case scenario - early 2012
The answer is that we really do not know. We ask you all to pray that things move smoothly with the rest of the process. So much still has to happen both here in the US and in Korea.
I am hoping and praying to have James' here in his forever home before his first birthday.
Happy 8 months James!!!!! We love and miss you so much!!!!
I'm hoping for the miraculous estimate with all my heart. :) Love you all . . .
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