Now that James is 1 he only goes into the Holt office every other month for his check-ups. So, this MaMa has to plan ahead. If my timing is right James should be heading to Holt in about 2 weeks and then he wont be back until January. After collecting everything I wanted to send over the last few weeks I packaged it all up last week and mailed it off.
I also can never ever resist a cute hat. I am hoping that sometime in the future I get an email from Holt with that little symbol that I love to see that reads "download".
You know the one where the 18 seconds that it takes seems like a lifetime. The emails where your heart beats fast and you don't know if you should laugh or cry. Then all of a sudden your baby is there - on the screen - and for a split second it feels like they are in the same room with you - like for real. Then reality sinks in and your staring at your computer monitor and suddenly your baby seems further away then before. Yeah, I am hoping for one of THOSE pictures. And while I am wishing, maybe his Omma could put this moose hat on for his MaMa, just like she did when she got that cute little beaver hat.
Some gifts for James' foster family. A little bag for his foster sister. Hats for his foster brother and father. A little necklace for his college aged foster sister.
And for his Omma, the woman who has cared for him on the other side of the world while we wait for him here, a necklace. I noticed that she always wears a cross in her pictures - so as a symbol of her faith I chose a cross. I then chose James' birthstone and a heart. I wanted to pick charms that would be universally symbolic- charms that wouldn't be lost in translation. She will always have a place in my heart. I will forever be thankful to the person who took care of my sweet boy day in and day out until I could take care of him.
Finally it was all ready to go..... I couldn't take pictures EVERYTHING! :) LOL
But I did get all of that... these 2 boxes.
They should arrive in Korea any day.
And maybe - just maybe- I will get a picture of my sweet boy with his goodies.
Maybe he will be holding his Puffs again.... or maybe he will have his moose hat on.
Guess we have to wait (isn't that 95% of this adoption process) and see.
Seriously cute care package! That's one lucky baby...we can't send another one until January so I had to do a Christmas care package in October!
Jamin was in the 25% in Korea for height. Came home and with same measurements was considered 80% for height here. I doublechecked with our Dr. about the percentages since i was really shocked. I would go by the weight and height to buy clothes but since Koreans tend to be long waisted, i would go up a size for one piece outfits. Looks like you had fun shopping!
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